Trademark Classification In India
- Trademark classification refers to assigning different classes to different types of products, goods and services. For example, Chemicals are classified in Class 1 of trademarks, whereas Pharmaceuticals come under Class 5.
- The Trademark classification helps in filing and prosecution of different trademark applications in a smooth and convenient fashion. Similarly, countries all around the world follow a trademark classification process. For an easy and hassle-free international trade and business, countries need to standardize their respective classification of trademarks. The international trademark conventions and treaties help countries to facilitate international registration and protection of trademarks.
- The Indian trademark classification list comprises of 45 classes of trademarks and service marks. The classification is divided into two groups- goods and services. Goods are products and services comprise of activities performed for the benefit of others.
- There are 34 classes of goods and 11 classes for services. Goods come under classes beginning from 1 to 34 and Services come under class beginning 35 to 45. There could be a situation where your trademark might fall under more than one type of goods; in that case you can file the application under more than one class. It is known as Multiple-class trademark application.
- Classification of Goods can be checked online on the government website (